Chicken Eggs
Non-GMO eggs
Cedar Valley Farm eggs are raised on pasture, eating a fully omnivore diet. They’re raised on pasture during the summer so that they predominantly forage. If they’re still hungry at the end of the day, they have access to non-GMO grain. During the winter, they run around the greenhouses so that they still get plenty of exercise and sunlight and their diet is closely monitored to make sure that they are still getting proper nutrition intake.
Martinelli’s Farm eggs are free-range. It’s not uncommon to see them hanging out with the pigs because they do what they want during the day. Their diet is predominantly vegetables (that they often steal from the pigs…) and spent grain from local breweries. <--Martinelli's Eggs are temporarily out of stock due to a fisher cat + a bobcat wreaking havoc.
In addition to these farms, we sometimes get eggs from other local farms such as Gnarly Vines Kids and Big Train Farm