Featured Products

Chocolate Hazelnut Spread
Chocolate Hazelnut Spread
Dairy-Free, Gluten-free, Soy-Free, Organic, 100% Natural

SoCo Vedge BBQ Chik’n Mac N Cheeze
SoCo Vedge BBQ Chik’n Mac N Cheeze
Available 2/11-2/17 (or until sold out!)

SoCo Vedge Baked Penne Bolognese
SoCo Vedge Baked Penne Bolognese
Available 2/14 through 2/17 (or until sold out!)

SoCo Vedge Buffalo Chik’n Mac N Cheeze
SoCo Vedge Buffalo Chik’n Mac N Cheeze
Available 2/14-2/17 (or until sold out!)

SoCo Vedge Chickpea Tikka Masala
SoCo Vedge Chickpea Tikka Masala
Available 2/11-2/17 (or until sold out!)

SoCo Vedge Greek Rice Bowl
SoCo Vedge Greek Rice Bowl
Available 2/14-2/17 (or until sold out!)

SoCo Vedge Overnight Oats: Strawberries & Cream
SoCo Vedge Overnight Oats: Strawberries & Cream
Available 2/11-2/14 (or until sold out!)

SoCo Vedge Southwest Chick’n Quinoa Bowl
SoCo Vedge Southwest Chick’n Quinoa Bowl
Available 2/11-2/17 (or until sold out!)
Limited Edition

Strawberry Rose Chocolate Bar
Strawberry Rose Chocolate Bar
70% Dark Chocolate with dried strawberries, rose petals, and sea salt